Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rolled in to the office this morning at 9 and immediately had two truck rentals.

Tom needed a 26' with a liftgate to move his old appliances to his brothers house. It was obvious that he was going to need a hand so I joined him. We moved his refrigerator, dishwasher and another smaller refrigerator from the hot tub room. Replacing the old applicances is a brand new set of stainless steel appliances. Beautiful. Unfortunately, we discovered that the new ice maker leaked overnight doing some water damage downstairs in the basement. Set back!

Tom's brother has a hot air balloon. Tom said we can all take a ride next summer. Wouldn't that be fun!

The weather was beautiful today.  Must have hit a solid 70° under mostly sunny skies.

Lunch with Tom at Golden Corral. He's going to St. Maarten December 1. Exciting for him!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A start

Today is day one of the blog.

Dinner last night was at Lance & Linda's house. They made a grilled white fish with an Indian spice marinade, broccoli, saffron rice, a fruit salad and butterscotch pudding. MMmmmm good!! Chased it all down with a Door County sparkling red wine. Watched the newest Star Trek movie on DVD. We had already seen it in the theater, but it was good a second time around.

The morning started out a little on the rough side. Mr. Whiskers has decided that he will not adapt to the toilet training activities and promptly let us know by doing his job on the bathroom floor. Set back! So, we are back to the kitty litter box until we figure something else out.

Cloudy here today. Temps currently at 56° but no rain yet.

The left side of my neck still ache's. Not as bad as before, but it's still a bit tight. I'm beginning to think that the sore spot in my ear is a pimple.

Lunch today was takeout from Hong Kong Chef. Governor's Chicken, fried rice, egg roll. Where else can you get 30 pounds of food for $5?

Last minute dinner plans with Lance & Linda at Yanni's. I had a Saganaki, an excellent Greek chicken and a decadent rice pudding. A good time was had by all.

Got word that a Delta 767 mistakenly landed on a taxiway in ATL this morning. Oops.

Finally rolled off to bed around midnight.